Friday, December 07, 2007

PBJ is doing great!

We heard from the foster family last night and our little PBJ is sitting by herself! Fourteen months old and finally able to sit unsupported. She is also starting to bear weight on her legs a little. They are supposed to send pictures and video later today, and I will update as soon as I get them. She is making amazing progress. They also said they weighed her and she is up to 20 pounds. That is 6 pounds gained since October 6th. She's just about Butterball size now. She hasn't had any more seizures, either, so the medication is working well.

Katie came home with a sore throat yesterday. I got the flashlight to take a peek and what I saw made me want to hurl. Her tonsils were so swollen they were touching the uvula in the middle. They were all lumpy and discolored and so totally disgusting. I am taking her to the doctor today. I think a tonsillectomy is in her future, unfortunately. This is not the first or even the tenth time I have seen those tonsils like that. I don't know how the poor thing can even swallow.

Levi didn't sleep au naturale last night. In fact, he slept in pajamas underneath his spiderman costume. Two layers of clothing. He woke up nice and toasty warm this morning and ready to take on the world. (At least once I unzipped his costume so he could go potty) He didn't mess with the tree at all yesterday, so I told him if he can be good again today that I would start wrapping presents and put them under the tree. But...if he messes with the tree, then no presents under it. He promised he would be good and I am sure he will be.

Now that it gets dark so much earlier Levi and I have taken on some of the chores that Chris was doing in the evenings. When I get home he gets his mud boots on and we let the dogs run, get the mail, put up the trash can, feed the deer and water the strawberries and the new trees. Last night, Levi decided he wanted to wear his OLD boots (2 sizes too small). He worked and worked to get his feet scrunched into them, then hobbled along like an old man with gout. I asked him if the boots hurt and he said No. (I don't know where he gets that stubborn streak. Must be Chris's side of the family...) We finished the chores and went inside, and then the struggle began. He had put the boots on without socks. The boots are rubber and his feet were sweaty. Those boots were absolutely NOT coming off without a fight. We did eventually get them off, but I had to sit on him and pull hard with both hands to do it. He doesn't think he will be wearing those boots again. See how smart he is????

Update: 3 pm No pictures yet....Argh!!!


Christina said...

Glad to hear PBJ is doing so much better. Keep it up little one.
Your Levi sounds like he makes the house quite interesting with the things he does...LOL.

Krystal said...

Way to go, little Brynn!!!! I am so happy to read this update, and I can't wait to see those pics :)

Dawn said...

Way to go PB!!!! It's 4:30 here...hoping you have those pictures by now!

Kathy said...

So happy to hear your daughter is doing better!!