Monday, December 17, 2007

My teenager is dating, HELP!

Ssshhhhh, don't tell, Katie has a boyfriend. She had one last year for about 2 weeks, and one earlier this year for about 6 days. She is very picky about boys (which is a gooood thing!) This boy is a senior and drives. Eeeck! Last year, when Katie went on her very first date, Chris and I discussed how to handle it. Should we put the fear of God in the boy? Have Chris answer the door while 'cleaning his pistol collection'? Play 20 questions with him? Instead, we opted for the following.

The young man came to the door to pick Katie up to go to the movies. We introduced ourselves, shook hands and made a little small talk. Then, when they were leaving, Chris ran out the door yelling 'shotgun' and began to climb into the boy's truck. The look on Katie's face was priceless! She turned beat red and began to splutter. The boy had a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. I tried, but I couldn't keep a straight face and I began to laugh and they realized we were just teasing. The two of them laughed all the way down the walk (as Chris came back into the house, laughing too). At that point we deemed the boy A-OKAY in our book. If he could laugh with us then he passed the test.

I don't know what we are going to do to this new boy. Katie is onto us now and won't let him come too close. We are going to have to get more creative. Chris thinks we should put out a sign that says, 'If you can afford her, you can have her'. I think Chris should be sitting on the front porch with his shotgun across his knees when the boy comes to pick her up. Or better yet we can send Levi along on the date. (Oh boy would that be a hoot. I would love to be a fly on the wall and watch that!)

We have been very lucky so far. Katie seems to think all high school boys are idiots and too immature to waste her time on. She likes to hang out with groups of people but doesn't feel the need to have a 'boyfriend'. She has plenty of friend-boys and she likes it that way. Whew!


Ellie said...

That's what they all say!



Priscilla said...

Hee hee...I'd send Levi!

Melany aka Supermom said...

I'm so glad it's not one of my sons wanting to date her lol

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is hilarious! I wish I had a picture of their faces. You crack me up. Glad to see you are in better spirits.

Esther said...

I love the "shotgun" story. Priceless!

I can't wait to see the follies around here when our daughters date, seeing as they have three older brothers, and a dad who looks like a professional football player. And the dad has a badass bald head, and looks like he could rob a store if he grew a goatee.

Should be fun ;o)