After years of careful data aquisition, I have come up with a scientific calculation that will predict the amount and severity of a mess generated by a kid-centric activity. I will now reveal the calculation so that all parents can safely and with reliability predict the outcome of such activities.
The Calculation
N= # children involved in activity
A+B+C... = sum of ages of involved children
N/(A+B+C....) = average age of involved child
X= number of children participating without a needed nap
Y= complexity of activity on a scale of 1-10, 1 being most complex, 10 being something akin to falling down
Basic formula is like this:( ( (A+B+C....)/N ) X)/ Y
This is only the basic formula. Now we need factor in some additional variables
R = need to hire professional help to undo damage by activity, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the need to call 911
D = the presence of a dog (or Roomba if you are so lucky) to clean up dropping as you go. D = 10 if the droppings are edible,
D=1 if they are toxic to dog and will necessitate a trip to expensive doggy ER.
Q = the number of cuss words the kid-centric activity is likely to cause you to say, if you drop an f-bomb, square this number
S = the number 2 if more than half the children involved are boys, or 1 if more are girls
M = the amount of importance the Mom places on said activity, from 1-10, 1 being 'I don't give a darn' and 10 being 'If this
goes wrong it's going to take years of therapy and thorazine to fix'.
So now the formula looks more like this:
[ ( [R( ( (A+B+C....)/N ) X) /Y]D*Q] )S]/M
If the score is lees than 1000, rethink the activity carefully, plan for the worst and have a large bottle of wine handy.
Good Luck!
Your equation was too challenging for me!
Looks like the kids had fun. I love to have kids over and make them tired, jazz them up on sugar, then send them home. The problem is PAYBACK! Gets you every time!!
Hope this week lifts your spirits
Too funny!
Kerri and Ruby
So, is the answer 2?
Or better yet...
H20... Cause with that mess you will need H2O to clean up!
Now my head hurts... You made me think...
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