Monday, December 24, 2007

It's Christmas Eve

And all thru the house, the only thing heard were little boy shouts. I'm in my sweats and Dad will be soon, we are settling in for a long afternoon. The presents are wrapped, the cookies half eaten, I am totally worn out, I've taken a beatin'. This isn't quite right, this holiday season. It's just not fair and goes against reason. I have Ashley and Katie and little Levi, but two still are missing, one girl and one guy. I promised myself that last year it would end, the next year one and all would attend. Five stockings to hang for Santa to find, more presents to wrap but I wouldn't mind. I would kiss them and hug them and call them by name. My five precious children to spoil all the same. But it wasn't to be, not this year, not yet. It's a concept I still just somehow can't quite get. So once again I swear this is the last, and next year we will look back and think of times past. The years 'before' we all came together, and laugh at ourselves and the storms we have weathered. I will kiss katie, and Ashley and Levi goodnight, then Ahren and Brynn and tuck them in tight. No better present could I ever wish for, than my entire family behind my front door.

To next year.....


LouLou said...

Here's to next Christmas when all our kiddos will be home! You are one strong mama, and I'm ready to see you spring into action! Let me know what I can do to help.....


Ellie said...

Merry Christmas my friend...

LOve to you and your WHOLE family, here and there...


Gail said...

You are very talented. And blessed too. I pray next year your family will all be together for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I loved reading that. Like Gail said... you are talented. Next year will be our year in getting our kiddos home.
Merry Christmas!

Krystal said...

Hear, hear!!!!

Merry Christmas, my friend :)

Dawn said...

Still praying Wendy.

Melany aka Supermom said...

I'm sorry you don't have your entire family with you this Christmas. Hugs to you.

Elle said...

That was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Here is to you and to next year!!! I know God chose you for a reason. Remember, I have SEEN you in action and I am glad that I will not be on the receiving end of it this time!!
I love you!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post! My heart goes out to all us "Mama Bears" this time of the year, more than most. We will fight the fight, arm in arm, until every last cub is home.

Have a happy holiday adn enjoy the time we have today! God bless you and all your kiddos, near and far!