Yesterday was NOT a good day for Katie. I picked her up early and we headed to the DMV (with ALL the right paperwork this time) to get her driver's permit. The place was swamped. I would have thought that after lunch on a Thursday would be a good time, but then I realized it was the last day of the month. Oh well. We waded thru the lines, got her all registered and they took her back to take the written test. I could see her from the lobby, but didn't want to make her nervous so I went and found a seat and relaxed. About 20 minutes later she popped out and across the room yells 'I failed'. Every head turned. All I could do was shake my head. I asked her later how she failed and she admitted that she had studied in Dec. when we were first going to get it, but just figured she didn't need to look at the stuff again. She said she figured it would be common sense questions. (I am still laughing about that!) She spent last night with her nose in the manual.
Then we headed to the orthodontist for a re-check. She has had her braces off for about 2 years. She lost her retainer a while back (turns out it was 9 months ago!) but she has a permanent retainer on the top and bottom front teeth. We found out her teeth have shifted and now the back teeth don't meet anymore. The front teeth hit, but that's all. They look fine, but aren't very functional. Guess what the solution is? You guessed it. Braces for 6 months. Doh! She had everyone at the office cracking up. The ortho asked her how she lost her retainer and she said that 'someone thiefed it'. He was laughing so hard and joking about the problems of retainer theft and the black market for retainers. I love him and his office. They are wonderful!
And the final blow. She isn't going to get to go skiing with her friend's family over spring break. Their plans changed some and that was kind of the final straw for me to pull the plug. We really should use the money to invest in a vehicle for her anyway. She was a bit upset at first, but she understood and accepted it. Now I need to get her to the ENT and see about those tonsils. It will either be spring break of the beginning of summer. I hate to ruin her spring break but the infections have got to be stopped. It's poisoning her whole body.
I have been tagged by Ellie, so here goes.
Seven wierd facts about me: (How do I pick just 7???)
1) I have almost no armpit hair. It just never grew. I don't know if that is from my Native American heritage or because I am blonde, but I don't mind!
2) I have an incredibly high tolerance to pain. After my C-section I never took any pain meds at all. I just didn't need them. Plus, I never got an epidural with my first two deliveries. I figured I would ask for one when I needed it, but ended up delivering both times before that point. (No brain, no pain????)
3) Before I had Lasik, my eyelashes always hit my glasses and drove me crazy and there were always little mascara smudges on them.
4) I am such a nerd I have a tattoo of a strand of DNA, but you won't ever see it.....
5) I used to sky dive. I have jumped out of all kinds of planes, in many states and over 150 times. I still dream about it. I stopped after I saw a woman die when her chute didn't open.
6) I remember my dreams every day. In fact, I can remember dreams I had as a child. I also have many re-occurring dreams (good ones) that I have had all my life. I didn't realize other people don't remember their dreams like I do. I thought everyone did.
7) I hate to drive, especially if I don't know where I am going. I don't mind riding along, but I hate to drive. Maybe if I had the Hummer with the 'bad-driver correction missile launcher' on the roof I would like it better.
I am supposed to tag 7 more people, but that would require that I actually had 7 friends, so if you are reading this, consider yourself tagged. Gotcha!