Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bad Words and Practical Jokes

Levi is officially into the 'bad word' phase. Luckily, even with older sisters, he doesn't know many truly bad words. His favorite is POOP. Everything is poop this and poop that. The word poop pops up in songs, conversations and random moments, and it invariably leads to hysterical giggling. Just wait until he discovers the hilarious nature of farts. (And how am I ever going to be able to keep a straight face????)

Speaking of poop, it reminds me about some practical jokes our family has played on each other. Five or six years ago I purchased a small rubber dog poop at a joke shop. That little pile o'poo has been used in many interesting and creative ways over the years. One year it found it's way into Katie's pillowcase when she went to a sleepover. Picture her pulling out her favorite pillow and a pile of poop falls out. That's some funny stuff! (Chris pulled that prank) When we went on our final walk-thru of our new house last summer, Chris wanted to bring along the poo and place it strategically on the carpet. Then watch as the builder noticed it and about had a stroke! (Unfortunately he forgot the poo prop. ) Everyone thinks my sweet hubby is so quiet but they really don't know him very well. It's the quiet ones you have to watch out for! 

PBJ starts physical therapy next week, twice a week. This is to help strengthen her legs and get her using them more. She is almost 18 months old now and intervention is the key. I am thrilled this new doctor/foster supervisor is being so pro-active. I also sent him money to buy her a walker and some other things so that she could get the exercise needed. She has come a long way but still has a lot of catching up to do. We are still waiting to hear what the judge has decided now that he has all the reports. Of course he was out of the office for 10 days for the Easter holiday. Arghh! 


JuJu - said...

your family stays in our prayers:)

Angel said...

OF COURSE HE WAS OUT OF THE OFFICE!!!!!!!! I'm surpised YOU are not in a bad word phase. ;0) POOP! POOP! POOP! POOP! POOP! Angel

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need to send the fake poop to someone in Guatemala to get them hopping. Of course, hopping mad would not be the right way to go...
Still praying!
Love you!

Tracy said...

A few years ago my seven year old used to think the word "butler" was a hilarious word ... because it had "butt" in it. He would call his older brother a butler if he was angry with him. Hard to keep a straight face with that one :). Boys are so funny :).