He is such a sweet child. Calm and happy, easy-going, sweet natured to the nth degree. Those personality traits should make it easier for him to transition when he finally gets to come home. Then again, he may be in college before this process completes!
Back around the time that the whole story of Waiting Angels was breaking all over the news, there was a lot of discussion on the forumns and various boards about the situation. Most of it was supportive, but I remember one woman who over and over again asked how anyone could have signed with them. How could we be so stupid and not see the warning signs? In her opinion, apparently, we were getting what we deserved for not being more careful. Careful? Let's see. I researched agencies all over the internet and there was nothing bad about WA. I talked to other clients, both in process and with a child home and there was nothing bad about them. I checked the BBB and you guessed it, nothing bad about them. No forumn posts, no agency bashing, no lawsuits, no red flags that I could find.
At the time, her comments stung me terribly. Somehow this was all my fault. We would have our child home if I hadn't been so stupid. In hindsight, she is full of shit. Yep, a cuss word in print. That's how strongly I feel about her (and others) judgment of us. Not only had we been dealt a terrible blow and had our hearts shredded, we had people like this making it so much worse. Honestly, I think the people who felt like this woman did were trying to convince themselves that this sort of thing would never happen to them. That the people who ended up in these situations had done something to be there, they deserved it and should have seen it coming.
Bad things happen to good people. God has a plan and the plan includes us and this little boy. It includes a long and difficult journey. It has tested us in many ways, made us stronger, more determined and more committed. It has led us to reach out to others and lend a hand of support. I wish it had been easier. Who wouldn't? But this is our journey and we must embrace it. Besides, how could anyone say No to that face........
My thoughts exactly. How can we ever give up? If we give up, they are left with nothing and that is simply not an option.
PS~Also looking at college age kiddos here...sigh
That's horrible, I can't believe people can be so heartless.
I've been reading your blog for months, not sure how I found it in the first place. But I keep hoping you get to bring home those babies of yours. I'm sure you will, they are both meant to be yours. Just keep the faith, when it's meant to be, it will be. Imagine the story you'll get to tell him one day....how you never gave up becuase you knew he was your son. Same thing with PB too.
And yes, I'd do anything for that beautiful face and sweet curls.
Thank you for this post. I needed to read something like this today. The last paragraph hit me hard and that's exactly how I feel. God gave us these children because he knew we would wait for them, for as long as it takes.
waiting for my sweet Abigail and handsome Isaiah
OK, that snotty lady needs to shut up and get over herself. Adoption is full of risks and anything can happen to anybody. . . what an idiot!
Oh, that curly-headed little boy just melts my heart!!!!
He is just the cutest little tot...how could you not wait for him? God gave him to you for a reason, and all kinds of good will come from this adoption.
That is one adorable little face. We have to keep fighting for our kids to come home.
Wendy, I know exactly what comment you were talking about as I remember reading it. As a former WA's client still fighting for my son, I too will never give up. The days are hard sometimes but there is no other road I'd rather be traveling. I've learned to scream when I need to scream, cry when I have to cry...but I also know that I must get up and keep going, all for the love of my child. Karla - waiting for Rylan http://rylansjourneyhome.blog.com
Wendy, when I went to the newspaper about the lawsuit with LSSI, there was a reader comment added to the story by some overjoyed AP who claimed I deserved what I got because of my "bad attitude". Of course, that article in the paper never explained why we sued or that DCFS investigated and found that LSSI violated about every ethical and procedural rule in the book. Social workers are hero-worshipped by some AP's who credit the agency for their parenthood.
Then there was a nasty reader comment by some unhappy adult adoptee. I wrote that off to the poor reporting and that person's own issues with her adoptive parents.
It stung at first reading those nasty comment. Then I decided that either they are ignorant and the reporter could have done a better job reporting. Or that she is brainwashed and has breathed in too many poopy diapers. If it were her precious, adorable and wonderful child that never came home, she would be knocking people out of her way to the courthouse to file suit. The third thing I thought is that somehow me fighting for adoptive parents rights threatened the status quo. Or that the alleged AP making the nasty comment was actually some adoption agency caseworker.
I probably still have people criticizing our decision to sue. I simply don't care what someone who hasn't had an experience like ours thinks from the outside looking in who lacks the facts I do. For every critic, there are a dozen people out there supporting what we are doing. If someone doesn't take a stand, the fraud and negligence is not exposed.
I just found your blog today. We too have been thru adoption nightmare & hell. Our old agency worked on two criminal adoptions for us before we got a clue & got an attorney.
We are now taking them to court in a few weeks to get our money back.
Also, I'm testifying for the FBI seeing as they are prosecuting my old agency as well.
I blog about this as well. It's the most heartbreaking event in our marriage and we will always remember the little girl we met in Russia to adopt. She will never be with us seeing as our old agency was baby trafficking. Shame on them.
We moved on to a new agency and are adopting from a new country currently.
Best wishes to you & I'll keep following your blog. You are brave. What you are going thru is the hardest trial of my life. Thank you for sharing your story too.
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