Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy Weekend

I know that weekends can be the toughest for adopting families since nothing happens during them. I still like weekends, though, because I can put aside my anxiety and relax. This past weekend was special. My in-laws and nephew Curt stopped in for a short visit. They got to see our new house, spend time with us and the kids and do some good ol' catching up. They had just gotten off a 5-day cruise out of new Orleans, and drove from there to Houston just for us. They left this morning on their way back to northern Missouri. It was too short, much too short of a visit! I am very bl;essed to have wonderful in-laws. My only complaint is that I don't get to see them often enough!!!!
I have another reason why weekends are wonderful. I get to spend time with my kids. Levi, especially, was in full swing this weekend showing off and being silly.
We have a new tradition of getting hotcakes and sausage from McD's after church. (Can anyone read his shirt*? He did NOT wear that to church! It's a hand-me down for yard work only.....Hee!)
Ta Dah!
Everyone look at me!!!!


Here's my silly face.....

I wonder if I can put both of my hands in my mouth?

Levi decided he wanted to see if Mina's clothes would fit him. Yep, sure enough, they do. (Mina is my friend's daughter who comes to our house each day to stay with Nanny. Levi thought she was his brother Ahren for a long time....)

You can't see me, you can't see me....

* His shirt reads 'My Hooters Mom beat up your soccer mom'

I have witnesses finally that Levi says the strangest things. I really have the feeling that people must think I make this stuff up. (Or that I am on some drug-induced trip where I hear voices....) But honestly, Levi says some of the most incredible things.

My MIL, Curt, Levi and I were on the way to WalMart. We were chatting about stuff, when Levi pipes up from his car seat. He asks, 'Can you bury frozen underwear in the ground?' There was a moment of silence..... followed by our laughter. He speaks very clearly, so there is no misunderstanding him. His next question was, 'Do they bury dead people in the ground'?. I try and answer his question accurately, when I can. Oh, and he wants to be Sponge Bob when he grows up. Yup, all those parenting skills are really paying me back......


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

That is way too funny!! Love the funny faces. So glad that you had a good weekend.

Gail said...

He is so cute and looks like a lot of fun.