Monday, April 16, 2007

I am so old

As we move into the last of the building-a-new-house, selling-the-old-one frenzy it has made me realize something. I am old. I feel old. My body acts old. Geez, I still feel like a kid on the inside. This is just so unfair! After a weekend of heavy-duty house scrubbing and yard work, I fell onto the couch and thought I was never going to get up. I used to be able to do this much stuff and still want to go out to dinner afterwards.
Here is how my Sunday went. Up at 6:30 with Levi. Chris decides to go to Church without us, since Levi is sick. He leaves, I drink coffee, shower and get dressed. Cook breakfast, clean up the kitchen, make a list for the store. Vacuum the downstairs, mop all the hardwoods and kitchen floor. Pack up extra toys from the sunroom, sweep and mop sunroom. Clean out fridge, empty trash cans, dust downstairs. Make beds. Now Chris is home so we start on the outside. He mows while I pull weeds. I start the burn pile and watch it while I pull weeds out of the flagstone patio and empty the new bags of mulch into the beds. Chris is done mowing so I water the flowers in the front yard and sweep off the driveway and walk. Pull weeds out of the playset area and add mulch. Run in and out of the house alternately putting in DVD's, filling juice cups or fixing snacks. Throw the ball 100+ times for the dogs. Pick up outside, come in, clean up the snack messes, thaw something for dinner, cut Levi's fingernails while we sit on the front step listening for the ice cream truck. Wash baseboards in the litchen, touch up some paint spots, fix dinner, clean up (with Chris's help) give Levi a bath and put on jammies, hear the ice cream truck and run outside. Give Levi medicine, tuck him into bed, fall asleep on the couch. There's more, I am sure, but the first thing to go as you age is your memory!


Natalie said...'re Superwoman...that's who you are! That's amazing that you did all of that in one day. You're my hero.

Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

I don't think OLD is the correct wording. I agree with Natalie "Superwoman"!!!!