Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I don't do New Year's resolutions. I learned a long time ago that I suck at them. I never make it past the first week, and I end up hating myself. So I long ago resolved to never do New Year's resolutions. What I do is to have daily resolutions. Things I want to incorporate into my every-day life, in small ways, in order to try and be a better person. So here goes:

1) I resolve to do at least one good deed a day. Let someone out into traffic, hold a door for an elderly person, etc etc.
2) I resolve to practice patience. Practice, practice, practice until I might eventually actually FEEL patient!
3) I resolve to show love for my family in a million small ways.
4) I resolve not to be resentful that I am taken for granted as the Mom. I chose this job, so I can't complain that I have all the duties that come along with it.
5) I resolve to find a way to teach my children to flush the toilet.
6) I resolve to not sweat the little things, to pick my battles and to let go of the un-important crappola.
7) I resolve to follow the adoption rules as lined out by Krystal (See Brayden and Parker in the links)
8) I resolve to always think about why a person is acting a certain way before I respond, to consider that they might not mean something the way it came out, that they may be hurting from something else, or may just be ignorant. I will treat them with kindness and compassion even if they do not treat me that way.

And some bigger resolutions:

I will NEVER move again. They will have to bury me in this house, cuz I'm not doing it. Ever. Period.

I will NEVER set my heart on a schedule that I perceive will happen when it comes to adoptions. I have learned my lesson. It's not over until it is over, even if you are told you are next to be signed off and will be bringing home your child in a 'matter of weeks'. I will not, not, not, get my hopes up.

I will NEVER give up. Just too stubborn. Too dedicated. Too in love to ever give up.

So there, it's all in writing so you can remind me when I fail miserably on occasion. (Especially the adoption rules. Man, those are tough!)


Jennifer said...

GREAT (daily) resolutions. I agree with you that I try to keep Krystal's as well... but I especially like your #8!!! I fail miserably at this one (especially after a household of family over the holidays....) so thanks for reminding me to take a minute to THINK before I just DECIDE. :)

Krystal said...

Great resolutions, Wendy. . . now about those rules -- see, I am not doing so well with following the rules this week. #4 and #5 have been my stumbling blocks this week. Thanks for the reminder that I need to get back on track - as of right now, I resolved to get my focus back on ALL of the postive and none of the negative of this adoption. Thanks for the reminder :)