Friday, November 23, 2007

247 attempts later

Our internet connection is acting up and conspiring to drive me crazy! I realized that I forgot one ultra-special person in my post yesterday. A person I don't see very often but I think of daily. A person who I know I can spill all my inner secrets to and who wil listen and understand as no other can. A person who I always wanted to be just like and couldn't have been more different from. My one and only sister.

D- I love you more than anything!!!! And I miss you like HELL! You just have to come to the 'big event' next summer. Hopefully Joel won't coat us all in yellow mustard this time!

Mom showed me the latest pix of your kiddos and OMG they are gorgeous! Each one shines with their own personality. They must really keep you hopping but so filled with joy. Blessings!!!!

So this is a HUGE shout out to my big Sis........Hugs and kisses and a few ornery pranks just so you know it's me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make me cry. I feel the same way. but I love you more...!!! D