Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Perchance to dream....

This is the granite we picked out. I'm not sure the picture does it justice. In person it is very rich and should accent our oak cabinets beautifully. Then again, I am a scientist not an interior decorator so it may all look crappy together and I won't ever realize it! Hah!
Dreams. When I was pregnant I had many very strange dreams. The baby books all say this is normal. The surging hormones, the anxiety, the excitement all unite to create a very over-active dream world for expectant mothers. I remember dreaming things like I had given birth to a fish, I had lost the baby and couldn't remember where I left them and other odd things. Adoption, although not physical, seems to have the same affects on my dreams. I have had some wonderful dreams of holding and loving my babies and I wake up with a smile on my face that lasts all day. I have nightmares about them never coming home, too. But the other night, I had a real humdinger of a dream. Here is how it went:
We were relaxing at home when the phone rings. It is agency #2 and they tell us PBJ is ready to come home. We drive to the grocery store and pick her up (she is in the produce aisle waiting for us) and bring her home. While we are marvelling at our new daughter, the doorbell rings and it is agency #1 and they are delivering Ahren. But wait, not just Ahren but 3 more kids as well. A little girl about 3 and two toddler boys. The rep from the agency doesn't even mention the extra kids, he just leads them all into our house and vanishes. Ahren is smiling and hugging me and I am so happy becasue he remembers me. Then I put him down and I hold up one of the boys and I ask my husband, "What shall we call this one?" Eventually we name them all and then we go for a wagon ride pulled by a tractor. One big happy family.
The odd thing about the dream is that it didn't even phase me that we suddenly had 6 kids under the age of 4. All I was worried about was what to call them. Plus, why in the world would I imagine picking up a baby in the produce aisle? I learned a very long time ago that babies don't really come from the cabbage patch. I have been laughing at myself ever since that night. I told Chris about it, but he didn't seem quite as amused. I guess you had to be there!


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

What a dream?? I wish it was that easy.

Tracy said...

That's funny ... cabbage patch kids, lol.

Krystal said...

I usually read a lot of things into dreams, but I learned a long time ago that adoption induced dreams (and now pregnancy induced dreams) don't mean much at all -- they are just a release of craziness!!! I used to dream over and over about the minute that we got to the top of the escalator at the airport just before Brayden would met my family and offically "be home" -- would you believe that the darn escalator was broken the day we came home!!!!

Crystal said...

HI--hey hey--we have the same granite!!!! I have to tell you you will love it!!!! We have spilled so many things on it and it has never stained!!! It is a beautiful stone!!! My dad has open heart surgery this summer at a newly reconstructed hospital-- well they had the same granite on the floors--I kept thinking I know it is durable and stain proof if they put it on floors where people walk!!!!! You will love it --when you were describing it and the grade it was I thought it might be the same!!!! I am so excited for you!!!! I love the dream!!!!--I have had some crazy ones too!!! too cute!!!