Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Best part of adopting

Well, no pictures today becasue Blogger is being a booger. I have something serious to discuss, though. A true blessing. Although our adoption journey has been long and painful so far, there is one truly bright spot that has come from it. That is the people that I have gotten to know. Most are other adoptive parents, some are still waiting, others already have their kids home. Some have adopted before, some are on their first attempt. The one thing that has amazed me is that they are all so very giving. Each and every one of my new friends. They are not only opening their hearts and homes to a child, but they share support and prayers with all of us.
Paula, you are so strong. You have been through so much and yet you still smile and laugh. You get down but you never give up even on the worst days. Your strength and friendship mean the world to me.
Krystal, you adopted a baby boy with a serious heart defect and you never thought twice about it. He was your son and that was all there is to it. Your strength and love show in how well he is doing. I am honored to be your friend.
Amanda has the worst adoption story I have ever heard. No made-for-TV movie could have as many twists and turns, ups and downs. Yet she is moving forward and will be a Mom, come hell or high water. Amanda is truly an amazing person.
Philly, you are on your third attempt to be a mother. The first two ended badly and yet you are still pushing forward to bring home your child. Little Johnny is the 'meatball of your dreams' and soon he will be in your arms.
Ginger, you lost your first little girl. Your first love. You grieved for her and yet were still able to open your heart to a new daughter. Maya is a very lucky little girl. Her Mommy is a very special person. A very strong woman with deep powers of love (and wonderful shopping abilities ;-)
Crystal, Natalie, Rachel, Kris, Angel, Gayle, all of you have voluntarily prayed for my children. I cannot express how deeply that touches me. I have tears in my eyes just typing this. Prayers are the only thing that I believe will bring my Ahren home. Only God can perform this miracle. The support I receive from all of you keeps me going, keeps me trying and keeps me sane.

So as hard as this past year has been, I am grateful to my many new friends. There are many more than I mentioned. Every time I fall down, someone is there to pick me up. At times I have been so worn out that I didn't think I could take one more step, and then my friends give me the strength. I don't know how to thank all of you. There are no words for what you all mean to me and my family. God Bless every one of you.

(If I didn't mention you, SORRY! It's been a really rough week and my brain cells are out on strike!)


Ginger--Maya's mommy said...

OMG Wendy!! Like I needed a reason to cry. That was so sweet!! I agree the friends that I have made through this adoption is amazing. I am so thankful that i had the chance to meet you.

Natalie said...

Wendy, that was a beautiful post! We all have different stories, yet we are all connected because of this one common blessing of adoption. I never would have imagined that I would meet so many wonderful people, but I have, and I am deeply blessed for that!

Emmie said...

U have put up a so nice & touchy post.... u are really blessed ...u got some wonderful friends...they really do have an open heart... well u can sometimes drop by My Blog ,,,,hope u will find it interesting...!!!

Crystal said...

Wendy--you are just the sweetest--I love this world of adoption moms!!!! I have blessed beyond measure to have "met" such wonderful people!!! :o)--- and we will be holding your hand every step of the way!!! hugs

Crystal said...

ps--Thank you for your post it was so heartfelt!!! We are all so blessed to have YOU!!!

Krystal said...

Wendy, you are so sweet! I am also honored to be your friend :) I agree with you, this community is awesome!!!! The love and support is unbelievable!