Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Happy Fools Day

Happy April 1st y'all! No foolish stuff here today. I reserve that for every other day of the year!

I was driving along today with Ahren in his carseat behind me. He was chatting away and suddenly blurted out, 'Spiderman is a dick'. 


He repeats 'Spiderman is a dick'.

My mind ticks through all of the inappropriate things that have been uttered in his presence lately (oh come on, you know you slip too!) but that word isn't one of them.

I pull in the driveway and as I go to get him out of the car, I see he is holding a spiderman action figure. He looks at me and again says, Spiderman is a dick. Only this time I realize he is trying to stick the figure to the window.

And it dawns on me. He is saying 'Spiderman won't stick'.  

I need to brush up on my Toddler Speak 101 apparently.

OK, folks, we have hit the wall in potty training and I am at a loss. I have successfully trained 3 kids so this is not a new thing to me. Ahren picked up the pee pee thing easily and stays dry all day every day but he absolutely refuses to cooperate on the poo poo front (well,  back actually) 

When we started teaching the potty thing he began to withhold his poo for days. Well, that wasn't going to work so we backed off and then when we tried again we told him poo poo is a good thing, he wouldn't be in trouble for pooping and if he wanted to he could ask for a diaper to do his business. He didn't with hold it anymore, but he won't tell us even after he has gone and he thinks its FUNNY to have pants full of poop. He actually told me that. He doesn't care if he walks around for hours with a poopy bottom. We have tried incentives (many different kinds) catching him in the act and setting him on the pot, ignoring it, and pretty much everything else I can think of. 

The straw that broke this camel's back came yesterday. I had stopped off at the mall to pick up a few things and let the boys play in the play place. I'm sitting there chatting with a friend when I look over and there is Ahren, in a half crouch, red in the face and very obviously dropping a load in his pants. I packed up and we left. Right then. Poopy drawers and all. He didn't care. He didn't care we had to stop playing, he didn't care he had to sit in poopy pants all the way home, he didn't care that he stunk so bad the rest of us were gagging. He thought it was funny.....


Mamita J said...

Ha Ha Wendy! We've had some moments like that.

Potty training --- I had a boy like that. My advice is to wait. Otherwise, you're just going to stress out. Maybe you can set a date that seems long into the future for him to be potty trained. It worked for me. He would say, "When I'm 4, I'll go in the potty." On his 4th birthday --- VOILA! He was potty trained...and not a day before.

You could give it a try, anyway.

Nikki said...

Okay, the poop thing would drive me nuts too- but I love the Spiderman story!!!


Ellie said...

ok... I will comment...

He is right, Spiderman is a dick... I like Superman better~!

Ok... Poop thing... We took 2 steps forward and 10 steps back with Angelena... At her physical the other day, the doctor said, don't force it, it will come...

It use to be, " I go potty in the potty and not in my diaper, and I can go to school on a bus"... Now it is... Mommy... I don't want to go to school...GREAT... NOW WHAT?

Here is my secret... SHE LOVES THOMAS... AND THOMAS is at Six Flags by the house... And she knows Thomas lives there... SO, now... I tell her, if you go don't go potty in your diaper, we will go visit thomas... She is game... PeePee is starting to work again... But the darn poop thing... F O R G E T I T...

I am to the point, I have to tape the diaper on her, cause she will go and hide, poop, and then take off her diaper! Little girl is getting to smart for her own good...


Anonymous said...

I am a lurker that reads your blog. I have a little Guat. angel also. Anyway, I was giving your dilemma some thought. What if you didn't make it about him going on the potty but about how much fun everyone else is having. Have everyone make a big deal about how much fun they are going to have going on the potty each time they have to poop. (Bonus here you'll know if the whole family is regular or not). Then make a big deal after about how much fun it is to go on the potty. Next, make a "Poopy Jar" and put his favorite treat in it. Every time someone goes poopy on the potty they get a treat. But you only get the treat if when you poop on the potty. If he thinks it's a lot of fun, he may want to join in. It takes the emphasis off him going on the potty and puts it on how much fun it is to go on the potty. It may or may not work but it's worth a try.


Reba said...

I like the Spiderman story...toddlerese can be hard to translate sometimes! (Especially when you are driving and cannot see gestures or facial expressions) On the potty thing, does Ahren like wearing underwear? I almost think I would be tempted to tell him that if he is pooping in his underwear, he will have to go back to diapers. I know that our third child (one of our little Guatemalans) is insulted to have to put a diaper on. Or maybe pullups (so he can still pee)? Good luck! I have one more in diapers...I have a feeling he will be a fun one someday just knowing his personality.

Marianne said...

No advice on the potty training has been way too long since I did that.

But, the spiderman story made me laugh out loud.