Sunday, February 01, 2009

Imagination and Lessons Learned

We spend a lot of time in imaginary play. We are pirates and super heroes, princesses and dragons, chefs and wizards. 

Wardrobe malfunction!

A long time ago I watched a show on teaching children delayed gratification. They did an experiment with small children. They sat them at a table and placed 5 pieces of chocolate candy in front of them. They told the children they could eat the candy or if they could wait for 5 minutes, they would get 20 pieces of candy. Then they left them alone in the room for the 5 minutes. Some kids ate the candy immediately, some ignored the candy and fidgeted, some struggled mightily but caved before the 5 minutes were up. It turns out that learning the ability to delay gratification is critical to success in life. 

We bought a big plastic piggy bank. Each week when Chris and I clean out our pockets, purse, etc, we give the singles and change to the boys to put in the bank. When it is full, they get to use it to buy something big they both want. They have decided on a trampoline. It has taken about 8 months to get to this point and I figure by spring, when it warms up, we will be setting up a trampoline. One whole year of saving. That's pretty impressive!

Good ol fashioned fun playing horsey. Not a very good picture but you get the idea. (Poor Daddy!)
The weather has been beautiful lately. Truly shorts weather. The kids spend a lot of time outside. Here is Ahren riding his Indian motorcycle. 


Angie said...

Ahren looks so grown up in that last picture.


The kids look so adorable in their "costumes"!!

What a great idea about that piggy bank. A girlfriend of mine does that and they are able to take a small vacation every year. I'd love to do that but rarely have cash even on me!