Sunday, February 08, 2009

Blogger is a Booger

I have been trying to upload a bunch of pictures for 2 hours, but Blogger is not cooperating. Don't blame me, I tried! Here is what I have for you:

To give you an idea of how skinny Levi is right now, he is 45 inches tall, 5.5 years old, and here he is wearing Ahren's size 3T jeans and they are too big around on him. You can see his underwear above them and the extra fabric in the seat and legs. And these are not baggy fit pants! In fact, they are tight on Ahren in the waist and thighs. Levi normally wears a 5T/5 slim fit, but even with the elastic pulled tight inside, they are falling down. Today he ate saltines and some sour cream. That's it. I took him to the grocery store with me and let him pick out anything he wanted. He chose a book. Argh!

And because I took a picture of Levi's behind, Ahren demanded I take one of his. Let me just say, this baby has back! His sweet little biscuits hang out the sides of his pull up all the time. 


Angie said...

Oh my word, Wendy! I can't believe how tiny Levi has gotten. When will you get some answers?

Vanessa said...

Wendy, I'm totally feeling you girl~~my little Olivia will NOT eat a thing!! Well I take that back she eats crackers!!


I hope you get some answers soon for Levi!

Ahren is so gosh darn cute too, sweet little biscuits and all! ;)