Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Ahren had a bad day

Poor little guy. He is cutting his last 2 year molar and it is a tough one. Plus he is coming down with a cold. His response to not feeling well was to growl at everyone yesterday. He also learned a lovely new trick, spitting (like razzberries kind of spitting) and he did this over and over to everyone. He heard the word No more yesterday than he has in the last 3 months. Then, to top it all off, he started biting, but not in anger. he thought it was funny! He even bit Mina's Mommy in the leg while hugging her. He didn't eat much dinner (Not like him) and he fought his Daddy hard over getting his jammies on. He seemed to fall asleep easily but then woke up crying several times during the night. I spent time in the rocking chair with him and he seemed to like that and fall back asleep. Like I said, he had a bad day yesterday. After I got home yesterday, he tried to bite me and I got down at his level face-to-face and told him very firmly 'No Biting' which made him start crying. I let him cry a few seconds (letting it sink in) then I picked him up to comfort him. I repeated quietly that there was no biting and that I loved him. At this point nanny interrupted and told me I was spoiling him and ruining him. If I comfort him then I am un-doing telling him no. My Mama Bear hackles went up! I told her things are different when  you are working on a secure attachment and then I gave her the 'eyes burning into your very soul' look. She shut up. I love her, but these are MY kids and I will screw them up any way I see fit!

I need to give a shout out to my sister-in-law Shannon. She lost her mother this weekend. My heart is breaking for you guys! Dear Judy, God Bless you! Rest in peace.


Angie said...

I love your comment about them being your kids and you will screw them up however you see fit. Amen to that. ;-)

Vanessa said...

I hope he´s feelingbetter soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear he had a bad day but good for you for sticking up for yourself. You ARE doing the right thing for him. Hope his day was better today


Naughty or Nice Ahren is a doll!

I firmly believe that as Mom you know your kids best, case in point how well Ahren has fit into your home! (not to say how great your other kids are too!)