We keep a jar of Dum Dum suckers on our kitchen counter. I admit we use them as rewards, bribes, tantrum breakers and anything else that can get us a moment of peace and quiet. I recently discovered that someone (who shall remain nameless) has figured out how to help himself to them. Only problem is, he can't seem to remember where to put the sticks when he is done.
Note the sucker stick on Max's back. The sucker jar now has a new secret location.I was working on our back patio recently and realized we had a lot of spider webs and lots of dead bugs hanging around. It was looking might shoddy so I grabbed my jug of Bug-O-Cide and began to spray. As I sprayed along the bottom of the patio, a large spider fell out of a crack under the siding. I looked closer (from a safe distance) and this is what I found. Anyone? Anyone? Beuhler?
As much as I hate snakes, Black Widow spiders make me cringe in fear. My insides turn into jelly, I break out in a cold sweat and I want to run away. Don't they look incredibly evil? Here is a second one I also found. I ended up spraying the entire outside of the house 3 times with bug killer that lasts for months. If anything can live in the cracks now it would be a miracle.
I think this picture is just incredible. I can actually see the joints in her legs and the fine little spicules on the backs of them. Just looking at it makes me want scream.....
I hate spiders. I would have freaked out!!! Levi is too cute with the 2 sticks in his mouth. Poor doggie!!!
I have yet to see a black widow in person. We don't really have them up here. We do have Hobos and Brown Recluse though. We also have gigantic (yet not poisonous) Wolf spiders. Just typing Wolf spider makes me want to shudder. Especially when I remember a day last week that through my blurry vision I saw a brown something in the bathtub with me while I was showering. I bent down to get a closer look (since I can only see 12" in front of my face). Imagine my shock when I realized it was a Wolf spider that had crawled out of the drain and was having a shower with me. I grabbed the boy's stacking cups and put them on top of it. Then made the trusty husband kill it before I would get out of the bath tub.
oh my God I would be freaking out. I HATE spiders - that God we don't have those nasty suckers here, I would never let my son out side without me.
Oh, yuck, yuck, yuck! *shivers*
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