Monday, May 05, 2008

The rear end of a dancing banana and other oddities

On the Guatemalan Adoption message board, it is traditional to put a bunch of cartoon 'dancing bananas' on your post when you announce you got OUT. Well, this my friends, is the rear end of a dancing banana that was at a cheer competition. And that is what I think of last week's news. It deserves the rear end of the dancing banana. Ptttthhhhhht!Levi got to take his own suitcase to Disney and I used some old fabric paints to decorate it for him. He was so proud and excited to pull it through the airport by himself!

Our landscaping endeavors continue. We are on the 10-year plan. Just this one bed took 3 trips to the nursery/store one day and all of the next day to get planted and mulched. Not to mention how much it all cost. I need to get a pic of what it looks like now, several weeks later. It really looks good.

The 'pile o' plants, lovingly hauled in my mini-van, the super duper all-purpose vehicle that rocks. Here I demonstrate the handy dandy hole digger I have rigged up. (Hee!)And the proof that I get right into the middle of the dirty work.
Levi loves the sandbox. He loves to play in it, roll in it, bury himself in get the idea. The level of the sand has been going down steadily lately. Gee, I wonder why???


Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for the flip side of that dancing banana - it won't be long!
I want to spend a weekend with you and Levi rolling around in the soil and the sand box. You make me smile!
Love you!

Deb said...

Wendy- I was so excited when I saw the title and the picture- why oh why did youhave to get my hopes up? OK, I know yours were up and then dashed. I might steal this picutre for the group- we have not had banannas posted in a long time.

Sending you many hugs. And if oyu need more garden therapy- OH is calling you.

Love to you,

Faith, Family, Future said...

You crack me up girl. And these days I need to laugh, THANKS!!!


Priscilla said...

i thought the banana butt was very appropriate.

hope you get better news this week!

Julie said...

So, I was reading guatadopt and suddenly got very excited for you! That could work, right?