Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Random stuff

I snapped this picture in a store at the mall in California. The boys were cheesin for the camera and looked so cool trying on sunglasses. Then the girl behind the counter YELLED at me that there was no photography allowed in the store. Uh, what? This is a well known chain, and everything in the store is advertised all over the place. What did they think I was trying to do, steal their hat display idea? Here is 6 pounds of pure action. She totally thinks she is a big dog and routinely jumps in the pond and gets filthy. Luckily I can just throw her in the kitchen sink and clean her up. She has the most wonderful personality and she and Levi are best buds.
I had to take some shots of Katie to send to California for her manager to start shopping her to agents. I took head shots, full length shots and swim suit shots (you don't get to see those, ya perverts! Hah!) Here are some of the head shots.

I don't think I will be landing any photographer positions anytime soon, but luckily she is very photogenic.
Adoption Updates: PBJ - PGN is suposedly dropping the complaint against our attorney. If/when that happens we head back into PGN right away. We will know more this week hopefully. Ahren - the birth mother interview PGN is now requesting was scheduled for last week but had to be re-scheduled because the birth mom was not available. No word yet on when. If it goes well we will be signed off. But....they have not been releasing any of the cases that are already signed off by the new Director.
This weekend, I was putzing around doing some chores when Levi called out to me. 'Mom, are you in jail?' I replied, 'No, I'm in the kitchen.' He answered back, 'Oh.' (Me: huh?)

1 comment:

Ellie said...

Well Well... Lookie at Miss Katie...

Lookie at my little super hero...

And as for the Pictures in the shop... I would have told them to stick it... The girl must have been jealous that you weren't taking the pic of her~

