I know I swore I wouldn't buy anything until PBJ was OUT, but you didn't really believe me, did you? I haven't gone bananas or anything, but if I see something cute or on sale I might just have to slip it into my cart....
I wanted to do her room (in the new house) in lavender and green. Sweet but soothing at the same time. I had seen the awesome Pottery Barn Kids bedding but just couldn't let myself spend that much money on crib bedding. But then, on a whim, I went into the store here just to check it out and what do I find? It's all on sale!!!!! That's right, 60% off on the bedding I was in love with!! How awesome is that? So I bought it all. Here is what the pattern looks like. I kept everything else in the packages for now. Just in case we have to move it before we get to use it. (Which is looking more and more likely every day)
So no phone call and now we are at the point where all of Guatemala is going to shut down for the holidays. It will be about 2 weeks before all of the offices down there are open. My dream of bringing her home in April is gone. Now I am hoping for May. She will be 7 months old if that turns out to be the case, and we will already probably be moved. I was hoping to be on maternity leave during the move, but now I will have to use some of my precious paid time off to move instead of having it all for when she comes home. Sigh....
Cute stuff!! I love the shoes. Retail therapy ROCKS!!!
The call IS coming, so you've got to do some shopping and get prepared! I know that the waiting has only gotten harder since you are so close, but try to relax. . . no wait, you can't relax! You've got to get the house ready to sell!!!!!
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