Ashley has Hashimoto's disease. Although she has had it for several years, the diagnosis was only confirmed this summer. Hashimoto's disease is an auto-immune disorder where her body is attacking her thyroid gland. Her thyroid is enlarged and has many nodules. The thyroid hormone that her body makes is inactivated by the antibodies her body is producing. The thyroid hormone is very important for metabolism and overall hormone balance in the body. Because hers is not functioning she is lethargic, gains weight, has trouble focusing and a host of other less-than-desirable symptoms. The treatment consists of giving her synthetic hormone to replace the hormone her body inactivates. Her antibodies do not detect the synthetic version so it can act on the body normally. Her dose is slowly being raised until she reaches a point where she feels and acts normal and her thyroid gland begins to shrink back to it's normal size. She has already started to show signs of improvement and is super excited to be feeling better and having more energy.
Why am I being so open about my daughter's medical condition? Because I knew something was wrong and the doctors wouldn't listen to me. She is my child. I know her so well and I knew something was not right. We had her tested several times but the thyroid levels would come back normal and they would dismiss it. They told her she ate too much, she was not active enough, she was depressed, etc etc. They even sent her to a nutritionist. (It turns out that the standard thyroid tests always turn out normal for Hashimotos patients because the thyroid is making the hormone. It's just that antibodies de-activate it.) I saw my little girl losing her self-confidence. Being hurt because someone teased her and called her fat. I saw my little girl, who had always been the entertainer and life of the party become more and more withdrawn. I vowed that I would not quit until we found the answer. This summer I found a female endocrinologist in Houston. I called and made an appointment and we went. I made them listen to me. The first thing they did was a scan of her thyroid and that is when they realized how enlarged and full of nodules it was. Totally abnormal for an 11 year old girl. The rest is history. My little girl is on track to being her old self again. She will take medication for the rest of her life, but will feel and act totally normal. So parents, if you think something is wrong, trust your instincts. We know our children better than anyone. If they don't listen, go somewhere else. I wish I had a lot sooner.
WOW! She is beautiful. I love that picture. I am so sorry she had to go through all that.
I have had a similar experience. I have hypothyroid and have felt like crud for years. All these doctors looked at me like I was nuts. I finally found out a few months ago that I am sensitive to gluten. It was causing my body to attack my thyroid and making me feel awful. Since I am off the gluten I am SLOWLY feeling better and better.
It's true. When you KNOW something is off you HAVE to listen to yourself and find someone else who will.
HUGS! Angel
You daughter is so beautiful. I am so glad that you finally got someone to listen. Nobody knows their child better than a mom.
She is beautiful!!!! I have Hashimoto's too!! I found out after I was pregnent with Caleb--my body kinda went haywire!! My thyroid is reversed though so hypo and hyper are opposite symptoms for me!! I am so sorry she has this but tell her the medicine helps so much and she WILL feel better I promise and when it works she will have soooo much energy!!! a ton and love it!!!!! It might be hard to regulate at first but once it gets regulated she will feel sooo much better --I promise it works!!! I am so glad so persisted you are a great momma!!!! hugs!!!!
Ashley is such a beautiful girl :) I'm sorry that she has had to go through all of this (and still has more to go), but I am so glad that she had such an amazing advocate!!!! You are right, we know when something isn't right, and we've just got to keep talking until someone listens!!! There are lots of issues that I've had drs ignore me about with Brayden --I just keep telling them until somebody listens!!!
Hi Momma
She is very adorable... Girlfriend... you had better watch out for them there boys in Houston... HAHAHA... I am SOOOOOOOOO jealous of her hair... in fact, I am so jealous of all you kids hair... Long, Short, Thick, Blonde, Curley.... Just me luck - thin, straight... and turning grey...OOPS... wasn't suppose to put that...
As you were saying... Parent know their children and you are right... don't stop till you get someone to listen... I am glad that everything is now under control, and she will live a HAPPY, NORMAL life... Because that is all we really ever want for our kids.
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