Wednesday, July 26, 2006

New Photos of Ahren

Check out the new photo of our little man. This was the best of the set. They tend to be fuzzy, off-center and not well done, but I don't care. He would be 6 months old in these pictures. I just can't believe those eyes and eyelashes. I almost cried when I saw this. His fat baby cheeks are already slimming down. His hair is still just as curly and wild. I wish I could just reach through the picture and snatch him up.
We got some good news last night. The Civil Registry should be issuing the Declaration of Facts and sending our documents to PGN by the end of the week. For those of you who don't speak adoption slang, this means we are getting much closer to having the corrected birth certificate and being able to start the official adoption process. Maybe a few weeks is all. We have progress!!!!

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