Friday, July 14, 2006

Messy Monster! I can understand the chocolate frosting off of the cupcake, but who let him have the tube of lipstick??? And that was my favorite one! Does anyone else ever find cheese stuck to the floor under the couch? Dirty cups behind the TV? Chicken nuggets in the laundry basket? Not to mention the cheetohs colored handprint on the living room wall, a handprint that was exactly 28 inches off the ground and the size of, say, a 3yr old boy??? Gee I wonder who put it there? His big thing lately is to do everything himself. When you aren't looking he helps himself to whatever he wants to eat or drink, often spilling it or hiding it. I keep finding the freezer door open. I had a latch on the refrigerator/freezer doors, but the little nut peeled it off! So much for kid proof! I had one on the oven too, but he broke it 2 days after I put it on. I think I am going to have to make a Home Depot run and get some industrial latches and chains. The only question is, do I use them on the appliances or on Levi? (Just kidding, put down the phone!) You would think with this sudden interest in food, he might be gaining some weight. Well, he doesn't so much eat the food as he does decorate things with it. The couch, the floor, the stairs, himself. I think a little gets into his stomach....maybe.

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