Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hey! Where did my weekend go?

Have you ever had one of those weekends? Where you are dog-tired by Sunday evening but have nothing to show for it? Welcome to my world. I am good at telling all y'all (that's Texan for you guys) when I have a sudden burst of energy and tear 'em up, but honestly, not every weekend is a blaze of progress. 

Let's see, this weekend I watered the garden and picked a few tomatoes. I played with the boys a lot. I set up their new quick-set pool and turned the hose on. (Yeah, go me!) I fed people, washed clothes, ummmm...... Shoot. I have no idea how the rest of the time went! I remember quite a bit of Wii-ing, both the game and in the pool. Lots of laughter. Some very tired boys and Mom falling into bed early. 

And there you have it. Guilty as charged. I played away the weekend. Sweet!

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