Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Never dull

I found this picture on my memory stick in the camera. Sometimes this child blows me away with how beautiful she is and how grown up. 

Levi, the Lil Chef. He helped mix up the cookie dough and put them on the pans all by himself. 

Today we made another trip to the ER. Levi had a bad asthma attack and we needed the big drugs. Two breathing treatments and a huge dose of steroids and he is doing better. We will be giving him breathing treatments around the clock for the next 6 days along with daily doses of oral steroids. Never dull around here!


Gina said...

Hope Chef Levi is feeling better. I love his chef outfit! My little boy, Lucas, just saw it and thought it was cool. He loves to cook too!


Ashley is stunning! What a beauty (and the dog is pretty cute too!)

Man, you got one kid doing yard work another working as a chef. I can barely get mine to unload a dishwasher. ;)

Yucky on the asthma front. Hope he feels better soon.