Sunday, January 18, 2009

In which we make lemonade

Again, apologies all around for briefly falling off the face of the earth.  Birthdays times two, an ER visit, three boogery noses, vomit and lots of stress-induced knitting have filled the past week. (Note: I am trying to stress knit instead of stress eat. I'll let you know if it works) 

Update: No progress on PBJ. The foster mom was allowed to visit, and then when she arrived they made an excuse why she couldn't see PBJ but let her leave clothes, toys and diapers. She is scheduled for another visit soon, so we will see. We have talked to the head of PGN and the head of the CNA and they are willing to help, BUT, the case has to pass thru the court first to get back to them.

The company I work for is having serious financial issues and announced a third round of layoffs last week. They tried to make it 'transparent' but it ended up just being torture. They told some people right away, and the rest of us are just waiting. They didn't mean to make such a mess, but nevertheless, it is. I am not so worried about me, as I have a back-up plan, a back-up to the back-up and even a tertiary plan. I am worried about some of my co-workers. Ones who are the sole bread-winners in their families, ones who are expecting new babies any day, and those that have very few options available to them.  Now is really not the time to be job hunting or looking to be able to sell a house and re-locate. 

And now, for something much more fun, I give you the latest on the boys (all 3 of them). Just now, Chris walked through the kitchen with mail in his hand, out the back door onto the patio and began flapping his arms. Levi, Ahren and I watched in wonder (Me, thinking that my sweet hubby had finally had the psychotic break that children drive you to) Turns out he saw squirrels eating from the birdfeeder......or so he says.

Ahren is talking up a storm. We can understand him 99% of the time. Every once in a while it is a challenge. This morning he kept telling me he was bigger. I kept agreeing(He has grown about 2 inches since August) but that didn't satisfy him. He finally came over and showed me. He wasn't bigger, he was BOOGER, and boy was he. Green snot all over his face with hair stuck to it. Lovely. I won't make that mistake again!!!

The other day I was sitting on the couch with Levi when he calmly looked and me and said, 'There are a lot of ways to get pregnant." I hope I managed to at least look calm when I asked him, "Oh really. Like what?" Here is what he said..............

"From a toilet seat"
"In the bathtub"

I said OK. (Mind churning, wondering what stupid after-school special he managed to see) So I asked him where he learned these things and he said House (the medical TV show) Oooohkay. And I left it at that. Hopefully he won't be giving any procreation lectures to his classmates any time soon. But if he does, at least I won't be getting any angry phone calls from irate mommies. 


Julie said...

Are you writing these "Levi-isms" down? He's good enough for a book and adorable enough to be on the front AND back covers! :)

margaret said...

Delurking to say I love your blog...especially the Levi stories. How funny!


I second what Julie wrote about Levi! Hilarious! That kid makes my day!

Hope the foster mom can get in to see PBJ the next time. How frustrating!

Good luck on the job stress. It's hitting us here this week, with 2 kids in University and people being laid off all around us I'm hoping (probably against hope) that we'll survive the cuts. UGH!