Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I will start listing all the things I am thankful for today, and hopefully finish tomorrow. It's a long list, one I think about often. A long time ago, a lesson my hubby and I taught to a Sunday school class stuck in my head. The lesson was about how God was all around us, even in the littlest ant crawling across the ground. How God existed in the smallest of kind acts, just offering a thirsty person a glass of water. It's not the big, grandiose things that should have meaning, it's the little every-day miracles that we tend to not notice that should be celebrated. That lesson has really stuck with me.

So, here are some of the things I am thankful for in my life:

Hope. There have been so many times when hope seemed lost, and yet, it still blossomed in my heart. Maybe it was foolish and maybe it was a lost cause, but i still HAD hope.

Faith. Not faith in the religious sense of the word, but faith at a deeper soul-based level. I do not have faith in the church-going, offering-plate, wearing my Sunday best kind of way. I have faith that is there as my companion at the darkest of moments, the bleakest of times, the most painful days. The kind of faith that reassures me that in the end, all will be right. However it works out, it will be OK and I can be Ok about that. 


Vanessa said...

That's some great things to be thankful for and I know if you're like me the list will be a long one!!

Candy said...

I just LOVE YOU GIRLY...and I am with you on this one...and WOW HOPE has been on my mind all day for many reasons and I just opened my first two BLOGS on Google Reader yours and Dawns and BOTH talking about HOPE....WOW

new ?????for you is there any lots with acreage left out there and can you have horses out there???

Anonymous said...

por si le interesa saber, se donde esta la niña que queria adoptar y la PGN de Guatemala la puso en una casa cuna.

comuniquese conmigo a

Se que ustedes querian adoptar a esta niña para darle un hogar.


Anonymous said...

Por favor no vayan a pensar que estoy tratando de burlarme de ustedes o hacer algun tipo de negocio, cuando se de la oportunidad les contare como me entere de ustedes, pero si aun les interesa la adopcion de la niña no deje de escribirme.


Anonymous said...

Buenos dias, no se si ven seguido su blog's y los comentarios que les ponen, pero tengo informacion y tengo la ubicacion de la nena guatemalteca que deseaban adoptar ustedes. Tengo una muy buena amiga que podria ayudarlos con la adopcion de PERIBIAN, si asi lo desean. Esto no tiene nada que ver con dinero o algo por el estilo. por favor ya sea que les interese o no, comuniquense conmigo a mi correo o (tambien es mi msn).