I am ultimately thankful for those that I love, that love me and that mean the whole world to me. My in-laws, who are awesome. My parents, who mean everything to me. My sister, who I never really knew until we were adults, and my brother, who I don't talk to often but think about all the time. Their families, too. And my Aunt Judy and Uncle bill, some really special people in my life.
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Pure joy. My joy.
I know that only Americans celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. Supposedly it originated when the Pilgrims sat down to dinner with the Native Americans to celebrate the bountiful harvests of the year and the fact that they had once again managed to survive in the new land. I have my doubts as to the origins. It may have actually been the first Hallmark ancestors who started the holiday, but I have no proof. What I am trying to say is that even if it is a made-up holiday only celebrated by one nation it is a concept that should be celebrated by every human being every day. I have to admit that I am guilty of not counting my blessings often enough. I take for granted that I live in a place so blessed. Hurricane Ike taught me some lessons. Visiting Guatemala, the countryside of Guatemala, taught me more. I still have a lot to learn, and even more to be thankful for. So for everyone who doesn't have a State mandated holiday that tells you to be thankful....be ahead of the curve and figure it out yourselves. Being thankful is not an American trait. We are usually so selfish and self-absorbed we have to have a HOLIDAY to remind us of our blessing. Geeshh.
You knew me, you just were afraid of me until adulthood - HA!!! Or was that the other way around... I am truly thankful for you, all of our family, and all of those beautiful kids you have-great pix!
Love You!
Canada celebrates Thanksgiving too...only earlier in the Fall!
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