Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Case of the Knackerly Knitters

All weekend long I had been excited about lunchtime on Monday. Several of us from work were going to take our knitting to the park and meet up with a local knitting guru for some knitterly advice. I know, rather lame to be excited about, but welcome to my life! The idea of sitting outside in the recent beautiful weather, knitting, laughing and relaxing sounded heavenly.

The first sign that things were going to go very wrong was when the skies turned dark and rain began to pour mid-morning. Thinking quickly, we decided on a Plan B. We would have the guru come to our work and we could sit in the lovely lobby and get our lesson. But, wait, would we end up disturbing people (knowing that we would probably be doing a lot of laughing and probably more than a bit of knitting humor)? So we thought, A-Hah! There are meeting rooms in the lobby to meet with people who are not allowed into the secure research areas. We had seen these used often for things like baby showers, birthday parties and the like. Being the midwestern girls we are, forever bound to 'do the right thing', we asked if we could use the room. We received a 'conditional' yes, but had to wait for the Head of Security (HoS) for the final say. 

Right on time, the knitting guru arrived and proceeded to wait in her vehicle for us, while binding off a shawl (exactly the sort of thing you would expect any knitting guru worth her weight would do in a few spare moments). About then, my phone rang. Great timing! It was the 
HoS. I asked if we could use the room and she replied, 'Absolutely not'. I beg your pardon, did you say what I think you said? She went on to explain that those rooms are reserved for business purposes and we were NOT allowed to use them. Then she demanded to know why I waited until the last minute to request to use one. I tried to tell her our story, but she cut me off. No, no, no, not permitted. At this point I said, 'This is ridiculous'. Apparently this is exactly NOT what to say to HoS because she went off on me. Her exact words were, 'Did you just call the HoS ridiculous?' to which I resp0nded, 'No, I said the situation is ridiculous. All we want to do is use it for a few minutes'. She continued to yell at me. The gal in the adjoining office could HEAR her she was yelling so loud. She then asked me, 'Who are you?' so I began to tell her and she yelled, 'I know who you are!'. (WTF? If she knew why did she ask?) She continued to accuse me of calling her ridiculous and I told her 'never mind, we will go elsewhere' and I ended the call. 

In the meantime, our sweet little knitting guru got shooed out of the parking lot because she had no business being there. Want to know the best part? The knitting guru is a 72 year old woman who babysits for the President/CEO's daughter. Nice. And our company is trying it's best to be the Best Company Ever. With co-workers like that, who needs enemies?


Vanessa said...

Oh my goodness!! What a you know what this woman sounds to be!! Ok so babyshowers are business huh?

whtmtnmom said...

Sheesh! Wendy, WHERE do you work?! You can fly on up here and join my knitting group every Tuesday a.m. at the local coffee shop if you want!

Lisen in NH

Anonymous said...

How crazy! Be glad that you did not get your knitting needles confiscated for having dangerous weapons at work!

Only you Wendy!!

Love you!

Marianne said...
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Marianne said...

Sounds like HoS's power has gone straight to her little head. Ridiculous is putting it mildly.

So what are you knitting right now? I'm working on a baby fruit hat for a friend of mine who just had a baby girl.

Lucinda Naia said...

So I read often and post rarely.... I truly believe that the HoS people are really warped individuals.

The HoS at American Express got someone fired because he didn't like how he was treated in the parking lot. The HoS was parking in a handicapped parking spot without any obvious impairment. My co-worker asked if he needed any help getting to the door because that's why you would have a handicapped spot. The HoS went on a rampage until he found out the guy's name and got him fired.

It was ridiculous!

I SOOOOOOO hope your knitting guru told the President/CEO about this situation!

bellagirl26 said...

Hahaha...I so get that post! You made me happy I no longer work. I once worked in the Research Lab building at Johnson Controls World HQ in Glendale, WI.

We called it fondly "Nerd Central"...

Andrea said...

Sounds like Head of Security should be renamed to Big 'Ol Head. Sheesh-someone has a wee bit of a complex, eh?