Thursday, October 30, 2008

Random kid stuff

I had forgotten how hard it is to shower when you have two little ones on the loose. I have now perfected the 4-minute shower. Here are the rules:

1) soap left in forgotten spots is just a head start on the next shower, whenever that might be
2) by rotating which portion of your legs gets shaved on any given day you will always be mostly hair-free (and besides, winter is coming and I can use the insulation)
3) nicks and cuts are totally in style these days
4) shampoo not well rinsed out of your hair doubles as styling product

While my folks were here I took advantage of them watching the boys and jumped in the shower for a good long soak. It was HEAVEN! I shampooed, I conditioned, I exfoliated, I dawdled. Finally, I was ready to step out of the shower and return to civilization. I took one step out the door, realized Levi was standing there, and then listened to him scream 'Naked Woman' over and over again as he ran back through the house.

Note to self: Lock bathroom door!

Ahren has been sick for a couple of weeks. First he had a cold, but then it settled into a sinus and ear infection. At the same time, he went through a period of constipation. We tried several things but he was still having trouble. Then we decided to try Activia, the yogurt that is supposed to help with this issue. It really seemed to work! And then (you know it can't be that simple at my house) Tuesday he got into the fridge and wanted yogurt so Nanny fed him some. Then some more. And some more. Three cartons of the stuff. Anyone want to herald a guess about how this ends????? Let's just say that constipation was NOT an issue the next day. And Nanny got to do extra laundry of the decidedly disgusting type. I hid the rest of the Activia.

Ahren is finding more and more american style foods he likes. He tried pizza the other day and ended up eating 3 pieces. (That kid can EAT) Last night he had a complete meltdown when I took him out of the bath tub. The scalded-monkey screaming, arched back, hard to hang onto type of fit. I was holding him wrapped in his towel trying to calm him down and then I said a magic word. (I didn't KNOW it was a magic word until I said it) I said the word.......cereal. And he immediately quit crying, calmed down and was happy. Cereal. Can you hear me scratching my head?

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Then cereal it is!!