Friday, September 29, 2006

Visit Approved!!!

I got special approval to visit Ahren!!! I am over the moon happy right now. You see, normally you have to reach a certain point in the adoption before you can visit. It is a way of safeguarding things. We, of course, have not reached ANY point in our adoption, so it is strictly forbidden to visit. I wasn't sure I could get permission, but our agency had said they were going to try, since it has been so long. Well, they came through! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am. All along I had thought we would have him home by now. As each week and month went by, I kept adjusting my mental timeframe. My mental timeframe just finally broke completely and it became urgent (in my heart) that I had to go see him. So in two weeks I fly down to Guatemala City to spend 4 days with my baby. Chris is staying home to take care of everyone else. No, I'm not scared! I am travelling with another, experienced family, and staying at the same hotel. The hotel has a mall attached to it, so it sounds like heaven to me! I will have computer access from the hotel, so hopefully I can keep everyone updated. And maybe, just maybe, things will start moving on our case and we can look forward to bringing Ahren home!

1 comment:

Krystal said...

YAY! I'm glad you got the approval -- it's nice to think that the attorney / faciliator makes an exception in cases like this. I hope that you have a WONDERFUL trip :)