Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Updates on Ahren

I haven't figured out how to get these on this blog yet, but we did receive new photos of Ahren that the agency mailed to us. We also got a short video of him. I am trying to figure out how to turn printed photos into computer images, but not being a techno-geek I have no clue how to do it. So, for now, you have to put up with me describing them! First, it looks like they finally gave him a haircut, which is a good thing. He was beginning to look like he was wearing a bad wig! His hair is still super curly. His cheeks have thinned down a little and he doesn't look quite so babyish. (Wah!) His eyes are huge and dark, with the longest dark lashes. When he smiles, his little cheeks hint at having dimples. He has big hands and a stocky body. They tell us he is over 19 pounds now, and about 27.5 inches tall (at just over 7 months old)
Also, we heard today that they expect our file to be approved soon and then we get the birth certificate and can start the adoption process. My question is what does 'soon' mean in Guatemala time? This month? This year? This lifetime???? Yeah, I will believe it when I see it! Call me a pessimist, but who would have thought it would be dragging on this long and we haven't even started yet? I want to see real progress!!! Come on Guatemala!!!!!!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I found your blog through Brayden Boy. Sounds like you will soon have a very handsome little boy!As far as getting your printed photos on your computer ... you should be able to take the pictures to a regular photo developing store/shop and they should be able to scan them for you and either put them on a disc or perhaps even email them to you. Hope this helps. Good luck.