Thursday, September 14, 2006

Chasing my tail

I feel like I have been chasing my tail these past 2 weeks. Between adoption related issues, trying to get the construction of our new house off the ground, work and family responsibilities, I have done nothing but dash from one thing to another. I drive girls to school each morning for early Drill Team practice. Then on Mondays and Thursdays they also have late practice, so have to pick up or make arrangements. Friday nights are football games. Wednesday nights are kids bible study. This Saturday is a dance camp I am working at in the morning, then the golf tournament fundraiser in the afternoon. Tomorrow morning I am taking Levi to go check out a preschool program we are thinking of enrolling him in. Next week is Homecoming, and Katie is on the ballot for 9th grade Princess. If she makes it, then there is dress shopping to be done ASAP. I transferred our home internet over to ATT high speed but have not been able to get it working yet. The refrigerator water line sprung a leak so I bought a new hose yesterday and repaired it. Now the oven quit working. Ashley needs to have her thyroid rescanned to see if the new medication is helping to shrink it, so I need to call the doctor and get it scheduled (but I hate that doctor so I need to find a new one) Someday I will look back on this time and sigh, fondly, remembering it as the best time of my life.

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