Monday, September 25, 2006


Levi told us the other day that he is a big boy. He said he 'growed up' so we have enrolled him in preschool 2 days a week. Actually, we had already been thinking about signing him up so that he could begin to learn how to behave in the classroom and get some extra stimulation. We got him a backpack and lunch box, new polo shirts (school uniform) and he was all set. I wasn't sure how he would feel about me leaving him there on the first day. We had visitied the week before for a while, but I didn't leave. We talked about it so he knew I would only stay to get him settled and then I would leave, but be back to pick him up. On Day 1, he looked very worried but didn't cry. He told me bye and I left. The teacher said he was very quiet but didn't seem upset. On Day 2, he began to come out of his shell. He started talking and even sang some. When I picked him up, he was mad that he had to leave! This will be his second week, but I don't expect any problems. He is a total social butterfly. (I don't have any idea where he gets that from ;-)

1 comment:

Krystal said...

Such a cute pic of your big boy!!! It's great that he adapted to preschool so quickly :)