Sunday, February 07, 2010

Oh My Goodness.....

This morning Levi, at the ripe ol' age of 6 1/2, asked me what this word meant.....are you ready for this.............


I had to make him say it twice because I didn't believe what I heard.

I told him we would look it up together later.

I am soooo in trouble.


Mimi said...


today is the first time that I have visited your blog in a long, long might remember me from the past as the almost grandma of little baby Liam...and I know that I shared with you the story of the denied home study by an agency who was trying to CYA with the USCIS at the expense of my son/dil...well, in the interim a civil lawsuit was filed against the HS agency and MS...MS was later dropped...for lots of reasons...but the good news is that on Friday...the 5th...after a 2 year battle...9 depositions..and 3 days in court...the HS agency was found GUILTY of 3 counts...defamation of character...fraud...and breach of is bittersweet for my son and dil because in the end, they still have no child...there is so much more to this story but just wanted to share the news with you, but I only had your old work email address...congrats on your new son...and many prayers coming your way for Ahren's health and for you and your family...~~Mimi

BT said...

Oh, you're going to have your hands (or maybe I should say brain) so full with him as his intellect develops. But it is going to be fun to see what he does with that brain of his.