Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Blaine 1992-2013

In Kaytee's Junior year of high school, she met a young man who had recently transferred to her school. He was completely different than her usual type. He liked to shave his head, he had tattoos, he rode a motorcycle and he belonged to a boxing club. Kaytee, being the total goody-goody, was immediately drawn to bad boy Blaine. But...Blaine was not really bad. Instead we got to know the total sweetheart that he was. He would sit with our little boys and play, he would give me big bear hugs, and he had the most gentle nature. He was just a pretend bad boy. 

Kaytee and Blaine at the Cheer Banquet
He chose his clothes to match Kaytee's dress. Awww....

Prom their Senior year. Blaine asked Kaytee to prom by writing the invitation on a $20 bill. She still has it, framed with a group of pictures of the two of them. They dated until the middle of their freshman year in college, when they split up. They stayed friends and Kaytee was always the first one Blaine called when he had a problem. She always told him she would be there for him, no matter what.

Last weekend Blaine did a stupid thing. He popped a wheelie on his motorcycle at night, hit a curb and landed on his head. On the outside, since he was wearing a helmet, everything looks normal. On the inside of  his head it was horrible. The force of the impact sheared much of his brain. On Monday they removed life support, and he passed peacefully on to better things.

Today we lay him to rest. It is a dreary, rainy day, fitting for this occasion. Kaytee is hurting badly and I am hurting for her. Please keep Blaine's family and Kaytee in your prayers today. It is going to be a rough one...


Mamita J said...

Oh Wendy...I'm so sorry. Praying for all.

Deb said...

Praying for all. Too

Reba said...

So sorry for your loss. :( The hardest thing about parenting is watching your children hurt and knowing you can't take away their pain. Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Poor kaytee. Very sad. He sounds like a wonderful guy. Things like this are the reason I'll never let my husband get the motorcycle he wants.